

ECOWAS is the implementing agency for component 1.
ECOWAS, with the support of ECREEE and the Project Fund Manager (PFM), is responsible for carrying out technical assistance activities (market studies,
quality assurance, business development, policy and regulatory support, and consumer awareness activities). ECOWAS is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating project implementation activities.
Through the PFM, ROGEAP will provide differentiated support to companies throughout their development lifecycle (start-up, initial, growth and maturity).
The project will provide much-needed financial support to promising start-up and growth stage companies classified in Phase 1 (start-up) or Phase 2 (initial) by ROGEAP depending on the life cycle of the business. Funding will take the form of a matching grant and will be made available
companies in Phase 1, mainly and certain companies in Phase 2, for up to US$25,000.
A co-financing of twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount of the subsidy must be provided by the company from its own investments. Acceptable co-financing includes the company’s own investment, private investors, loans or other cash contributions. The total amount of funding grants cannot be increased during the course of the project.
The co-financing grant will be for a period of 12 months. The grant is intended to help entrepreneurs:
- i) develop viable business ideas/products,
- (ii) to develop and test products,
- (iii) test new business models in the market. They will then be able to do business that will allow them to progress in the business cycle towards maturity.
ROGEAP will also provide two types of grants as follows: Market Entry Grants and Performance-Based Grants to established enterprises (in the start-up, growth and maturity phase) in countries eligible for funding from the CTF and DGIS and operating in
challenging market environments, such as Sahel countries.
Market Entry Subsidy: To support their entry into a new market (deemed commercially viable but with first-mover risk), market entry grants will be available to Phase 2 or 3 firms. This funding could reach US$150,000 to help these companies enter new markets.
Each company receiving a market entry grant will have to provide some level of co-financing in the form of a cash or in-kind contribution. The contribution should represent up to 50% of the total grant amount in order to demonstrate the company’s commitment.
Performance-Based Grants: To support activity in challenging markets (those that are not considered commercially viable), performance-based grants will be offered to companies in Phase 2 or 3. This funding could reach US$250,000 to help these companies in difficult markets.


Le projet est financé par la Banque mondiale,
avec un cofinancement du Fonds pour les technologies propres (CTF)
et de la Direction générale de la coopération internationale (DGIS) du gouvernement des Pays-Bas.