Regional training workshop for Member States’ Focal Points on the use of the monitoring and evaluation tools of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP)
Focal Points of the 19 Member States of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project(ROGEAP) are meeting from 12 to 13 December 2023 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire for aCapacity building in

Implementation: ECOWAS hires a consortium of firms
Project implementation ROGEAP: lECOWAS commits group of firms for provide technical and financial assistance to companies off-grid solar PV companies and financial institutions in the 19 project countries. As part

ECOWAS officially launches ROGEAP project activities in Liberia and Mauritania.
ECOWAS officially launches the activities of its Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) in Liberia and Mauritania. Renewable energy stakeholders from Liberia and Mauritania took part in the official launch

Regional capacity-building workshops for experts from ROGEAP member states
Regional capacity-building workshops for experts from ROGEAP member states on standards for solar home kits with a capacity of up to 350 watts. As part of the implementation of the

Norms and standards for electrotechnical, agri-food, technological and chemical products in West Africa.
A meeting of Ministers of Industry from ECOWAS member states to validate norms and standards for electrotechnical, agro-food, technology and chemical products in West Africa was held on Thursday March